Apple CEO Cook said coding is “the most important second language you can learn. I think every kid in the world should learn to code. Whether your passion is in science or the arts, it's a way to express yourself.”
Our Award-Winning K-12 Curriculum
“ 孩子在 CodeMonkey 程式中用闖關遊戲方式來學習程式語言,孩子覺得很有趣!
孩子撰寫的每一行程式能控制遊戲中的小猴子的動作, 所以能立即發覺自己撰寫內容是否正確。
Jemmy 老師指導的非常淸楚,用很簡潔的方式就讓孩子了解程式中的邏輯與思考方式。孩子撰寫程式過程中,Jemmy 老師很快就能點出孩子的關鍵問題,使得孩子學習速度更快了。老師也常用輕鬆幽默的方式帶領課程,所以孩子很喜歡上 CodeMonkey 的線上課程。
孩子在 CodeMonkey 線上課程中可以即時看到老師的示範和聽到老師的指導與鼓勵!就像與老師直接面對面一樣!
所以大大推薦 CodeMonkey 線上課程喔~~ ”
- Ivan 媽
" I really like the Codemonkey because the codes are sometimes challenging. When the codes are to complex, the teacher is always willing to help me and explain what each code means. I love to make hard puzzles for the teacher. This class is so fun! It makes 1 hour past as if it were only 5 minutes. I hope i can keep having this class. "
- Chester
" 一開始是為了讓孩子學習編程而尋找程式方面的教學,Code Monkey 能讓孩子簡單又快速的理解程式方面的邏輯思考,畫面顏色鮮明有趣,老師的教學過程有耐心又好玩,而且線上教學讓你不用出門就可以學習超方便,課程規劃可以讓孩子ㄧ步步學習到高階的程式設計,真的太棒了 "
- Chester 媽
80 堂課 - 2年上完
Coding Adventure (CA) - 編碼冒險 $2,000
Challenge Builder (CB) - 自創關卡 $1,000
Game Builder (GB) - 自創遊戲 $2.000
Banana Tale - Python (BT) - 香蕉傳奇 - Python $2,000
教材費 5折 - $3,500
程式入門課 + 程式基礎課+
Platformer, Frogger, Sprite Animation, Game Builder
Python Fundamentals, Classes, Input, String Manipulation, Advanced Data Types, 2D Lists, Bubble Sort
Common Core State Standard
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards
National Curriculum in England
教材費 - 5折
課程費 - 85折
最熱門 !!!
40 堂課 - 1年上完
Coding Adventure (CA) - 編碼冒險 $2,000
Challenge Builder (CB) - 自創關卡 $1,000
教材費 5折 - $1,500
程式入門課 +
Functions, Conditions, Boolean Logic (if-else, AND, OR) Operator NOT, Comparisons, Function Return Values, Triggering Events using mouse and keyboard
Common Core State Standard
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards
National Curriculum in England
教材費 - 5 折
課程費 - 95折